Thursday, January 27, 2011

Way out of shape

I am less concerned about the cold conditions when I take the plunge on New Year's Day. I am more concerned about how I look when I take the plunge so I'm giving "working-out" another chance.  I want to look like the character in the Mac Tonight commercial. Cool, debonair and of course, the jawline. Because in my screwed up mind, that prominent jaw tells me I am DA MAN.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Krei zi?

Mad, insane, wacko, lunatic, deranged, demented or cockamamie? Loopy, crackpot, off the wall, barking mad,  round the bend, nutty as a fruitcake or daft as a brush? Or maybe ardent, zealous, passionate, infatuated or enamoured like Bieber crazy. You be the judge.